Wherever the mask
values are less than zero, the
values in expr
are set to the missing data value.
Works with gridded or station data. Where mask
are positive, the expr
values are not modified. Thus
the result of maskout
is data with a possibly increased
number of missing data values. The maskout
function, in spite
of its apparant simplicity, is extremely useful.
function for a
of using maskout
to calculate the percentage of the globe
covered by precipitation.
function can be used to cause part of the
data to be ignored while doing another calculation. For example, if we
have a land-sea mask, where sea values are negative, and we want to take
some areal average of a quantity only over land:
d aave(maskout(p,mask.2),lon=0,lon=360,lat=0,lat=90)
d aave(maskout(p,mask.2(t=1)),lon=0,lon=360,lat=0,lat=90)
would probably be how Example 2 would have to be expressed in order to
work, with the local override of t=1
specified on the mask
data. See the documentation on how GrADS evaluates expressions within the
dimension environment for more information.